Your ancestors reside within each cell of your body & your energy field as FRACTAL memory. Epi-genetics shows that the potent experiences of our ancestors can carry on for generations in our cells and can be changed for the better utilizing a variety of proven techniques.
When we heal our ancestral trauma we not only heal ourselves and our past, but also generations to come.
Clearing generaTional wounding Propels you from the grips Of what holds you back and Offers you the POSITIVE aspects of your lineage.
Ancestral Healing is based upon the Awareness that what happened in your familIes’ past is actually present and alive today within your cellular body & energy field. Consequently, any unresolved conflict from your ancestors, including unhealed emotional wounds, traumatic events, damaging thought patterns or belief systems and other limitations, may still exist within in your cellular memOry & energetic grid. This grid, due to your DNA, connects you to a larger energy pattern of your entire family generations back.
This also includes those who may have inspired our ancestors in any way such as: Political leaders, Guru’s or other influential teachers, authority figures, even a building or land, places our ancestors felt deeply attached to etc. these all became a part of our ancestry with imbued emotional experiences into our thoughts, behaviors and DNA. Through our growth and progression some of these attachments may no longer benefit us—they may not coincide or resonate with our current state, yet they still influence our behaviors from a subconscious body/mind response.
Most Ancient Cultures understand that their ancestors play a vital active part in their lives.
Because energy is never lost, and simply changes form- emotional issues or traumas that were not dealt with by your ancestors can hang about in the energy field, creating imbalances & blocks. Ancestral Clearing can transform those patterns which are not in the highest good, or are preventing you from carrying out your life's purpose.
Clearing generational wounds Propels you from the grips of what holds you back and offers you the POSITIVE aspects of your lineage.
How Ancestral Healing Works
Because energy is not limited by time or space, it is possible to connect with the energy & essence of your ancestors who have crossed over, even if they have since returned to this side, or have reincarnated.
With your participation, Lisa can 'speak' with your energy-field & your ancestors for the healing process. This is usually quite TANGIBLE for the client. WORKING with your body and subtle energies the changes are deep, and can continue long after the session.
There’s always a hidden gift underneath the pain.
Your unique QUALITIES will shine & offer increased confidence. Time is taken to integrate these truer aspects of you in order to fill up the prior wounded space.
In other words, you have a boost of your own power available to because you are no longer holding a false pattern placed there by the trauma of someone else- your true self can now emerge with renewed strength.
Lisa will set a safe and protected space with you first- you’ll get clear on your intentions & create a container for the healing. From there the work continues in tandem with source/creator, your soul, your allies, and your ancestors to release inherited unhealed traumas or patterns.
**In addition there’s a resolution which takes place between the ancestor (the pattern) and the client which gives deeper insight into the gifts and wisdom carried through the lineage.
(Ancestral Healing is priced at $222.00 per hr *Please note rates vary outside of the u.s.)
Testimonial of Ancestral Clearing:
"I have to say that Generational Wounds Therapy session I had with you was a game changer for me. Transformative is an understatement. During the session, I immediately felt a shift in my field, but in the weeks following our time together, it was as if the energetic blocks I was feeling at the time molted and I emerged with new skin, a new perspective and a new sense of vitality. <3 <3 <3 I am so grateful for you and the work you do!"
- Dawn Champine Astrologer and creator of:
what is written above is one element of the healing...
another facet to consider is the programming we receive from the time we are in the womb until about age 7 or 8.
we are in a hypnotic theta brainwave state from the time we are in the womb until 5 to 8 years of age. theta brainwave state is an open hypnotic state of suggestion. this means during that time-frame of development, we are absorbing the ideas about who we are, how we relate to others in our sense of belonging, where we fit into our families and communities, & our overall belief structures.
the impact of these suggestions come from our parents, other adults in our lives, school experiences, society, television, Radio, Religion and culture in general.
how the world responds to us is also an indicator of our beliefs about our worthiness, whether we are loved, accepted, valued etc. all of these experiences create a feedback loop, which works in tandem with the subconscious programs and automatic beliefs/emotions/ideas about ourselves and the world...these all produce our auto-pilot ways of living & thinking in addition to the cellular make up from our ancestors.
this subject of healing is vast and if we become more educated in these topics we can be empowered in defining who we are for ourselves.
Studies showing inter generational trauma and epigenetic changes:
***Each session is to be regarded as an addition to one's own personal process. Sessions are to be utilized as a joint is the responsibility of both the practitioner and client to hold and communicate a discriminating personal intuitive critical thinking process in order to create the greatest results.
**All Intuitive Sessions are deeply personal and tailored to the individual according to their specific needs & or desires as communicated from each individual and their soul itself. Each individual & their process is held with the utmost respect & are fully confidential.
**Energy Healing & related services are to be regarded as a complement to traditional medicine and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice.